Arts + Moments with a Masterpiece

Zoom talk: Monday 14 April 10.30-11.00

Our next Arts+ event invites you to spend 30 minutes in the presence of one of the greatest masterpieces of the Early Italian Renaissance, The Journey of the Magi. The Florentine painter Benozzo Gozzoli was acknowledged as one of the foremost fresco painters of the 15th Century and yet still remains relatively unknown today. Now is your chance to find out more about him and his most celebrated work.

Across three walls of the private chapel of the Medici, Benozzo chronicles a magnificent procession of the three Kings as they ride to celebrate the birth of the Christ child. A spiritual story is transformed into a magnificent spectacle demonstrating the wealth and temporal power of the Medici. The whole cavalcade is set against a Tuscan landscape populated with a glorious array of exotic beasts, visceral hunts and local flora and fauna observed in minute detail.

If all this whets your appetite then join us on Zoom to learn more about Benozzo Gozzoli and his celebrated masterpiece.

Moments with a Masterpiece is based loosely on the fabulous series of talks from the Frick Collection in New York. All 65 episodes of Cocktails with a Curator are still available on YouTube.

Our Speaker: Keith Dugdale

If you have been to an Arts+ event you will already know Keith as the person who organises the programme and introduces the presenters. Having spent the last year persuading people to support the Society by sharing their skills and expertise it is now his turn to present. Sadly however, he cannot paint and he cannot draw but he can tell a good story and the story of the Journey of the Magi is certainly one worth telling.