Aloeric Primary School in Melksham is celebrating its 50th anniversary and Mrs Rebecca Clifton confirmed that the school needed a new Welcome sign to go on the front of the school. She ran a competition to gather ideas and images from the pupils which Emma Leith, a mosaic artist from Box, then turned into a coherent design reflecting the ethos of the school and the energy and enthusiasm of the whole community. In addition, a curved shaped mosaic saying Welcome to Aloeric was created in Rainbow colours.
Karen Hellewell, the Young Arts representative for the Arts Society North Wiltshire, gathered our team of volunteers, namely Rosie Berry, Jan Boyd, Lucy Garton, Jenny Gilks, Jane Pearson to work with specific pupils in the family room (a self contained mobile classroom in the car park) from Monday to Thursday to complete the mosaic in three panels. All thanks to the Brunel Shed and Mr. Rodney Veasey for the mounting of the panels and attaching them to the wall. This project was funded by a grant from the Patricia Fay Trust from the Arts Society HQ, as well as North Wiltshire, the Friends of Aloeric School and Pickwick Academy Trust.
The pupils were selected by the Headteacher from years 3, 4, 5 and 6 to participate in the art activity. The pupils were chosen as those who have a creative flair but would not have been given previous recognition for their talents nor worked with artists before. The activity will hopefully inspire them to continue to develop an interest in arts. All of the children responded positively and were able to justify their choices of colours and shapes to complete the overall design. The levels of concentration and effort did each pupil great credit and the overall impression was accomplished, bright and lively.