Garden Study Day Application
Thanks for your interest in attending one or more of our Garden Study Days The cost per day is £35 which includes coffee and a light lunch with wine. Each day starts at 10.15 for 10.25 and ends at about 15.00 All days will be held at The Community Hall in Market Lavington.
You can either pay by cheque or by bank transfer.
Cheque payable to:
The Arts Society North Wiltshire.
Please send your cheque together with this completed application form to Julie Price, Littleton Mill, Littleton Panell, Devizes, SN10 4EP
Bank transfer account:
The Arts Society North Wiltshire
Sort Code : 30-91-99. Account : 78291468. Ref : Gardens
Day 1 £35.00
Day 2 £35.00
Total ……….
If you need any other information please contact: Julie Price Tel: 01380 816510. Email:
I understand that by giving my email address this authorises the organisers to contact me, using it to tell me about this and any future courses.